The Financial Guys

A Letter To Our Clients Concerning The Coronavirus

This has been a turbulent week for the market and life in general as news on the Corona Virus came fast and furious. With all the closings and cancellations and states of emergency declared we wanted to update everyone on the status of our office and scheduled events. Although we have yet to see the number of cases those in the media, our political leaders and medical professionals have forecast, we do urge diligence and safety in dealing with this virus.

For our investment clients, our Chief Investment Officer, Dan Neiman, put out a communication, linked here, yesterday explaining the steps we are taking with portfolio strategies. A copy of that letter is available on our website. We’d like to also add that the members of the Independent Solutions Investment Committee are in different locations throughout the country, San Diego, Charleston SC, Buffalo, Kansas, and Florida so the chance of this virus affecting us all at the same time is extremely unlikely.

We will be hosting a weekly Market Update Conference Call with the Independent Solutions Wealth Management Investment Committee at 4:15 pm beginning this week on March 19th, 2020. You may complete the form on the home page to register and receive the dial-in information. 

From an operational standpoint, we continue at both our Buffalo and Florida locations as business as usual. We do have certain key staff staying off-site or working from remote locations simply as a safety precaution to ensure smooth business continuity should this virus spread.

For in-office scheduled meetings scheduled with clients that have compromised immune systems, or are simply concerned, we are happy to reschedule, change the appt to a conference call, or change the appt to a webinar over GoTo meeting or Zoom.

We have several upcoming events for both our TFG Academy as well as outside workshops scheduled for Medicare. The outside events have all been canceled at this time. We will be hosting the TFG Academy workshops virtually only. We plan to broadcast these workshop over the internet for those that would like to join from home. For additional information, please contact our office at 716-633-1515.

As you know, this virus and the information we are receiving is changing hour by hour, so please check back for updates. We will post all changes to events and or operations to our website. We don’t, however, anticipate any major disruptions at this time.


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Securities offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Independent Solutions Wealth Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.

Securities are offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC.  Independent Solutions Wealth Management, LLC and are separate and independent entities from Peak Brokerage Services, LLC. 

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