The Financial Guys

A Message From Charlie Sperrazza Regarding Life Insurance

midle aged white male in blue grey background with a green plant and a white buffalo symbol talking life insurance

One of the biggest fears that are plaguing the minds of everyone, besides the crazy volatility of the market is the Coronavirus and how the virus is even more of a concern to the elderly. Lately it seems that a lot of people are making quick and rash decisions with their insurance because of panic and a looming uncertainty of how long this virus will last. However, at The Financial Guys, we are taking every step to make sure your needs are met. Charlie Sperrazza is one of our advisors that specializes in life insurance. He has a message for you that you need to listen. He is there to help with your insurance needs. If you want to speak with him, give us a call at 716-633-1515 or 833 FIN GUYS. Listen to his message below.


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Securities offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Independent Solutions Wealth Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.

Securities are offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC.  Independent Solutions Wealth Management, LLC and are separate and independent entities from Peak Brokerage Services, LLC. 

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