How to Make Your Savings Last with A Certified Social Security Claiming Strategist
So, What is a Certified Social Security Claiming Strategist (or CSSCS)? Certified Social Security Claiming Strategists are individuals who have completed a training course and have gained the proper knowledge to assist you in the area of Social Security claiming.
Spousal Benefits for Independently Entitled Divorced Spouse (IEDS)

Spousal benefits for the Independently Entitled Divorced Spouse (IEDS) are the benefits to which an individual may be entitled based on his or her ex-spouse’s record while that ex-spouse is still living
Social Security and Spousal Benefits: What You Need to Know

Share this post Share on facebook Share on google Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Share on print Spousal benefits related to Social Security income are widely misunderstood, and those that are not clear on the provisions might be disappointed by the values of the amounts they receive due to the misinformation […]
4 Things You Shouldn’t Do With Your Retirement Money

Share this post Share on facebook Share on google Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Share on print Your strategy is essential for a successful retirement. There are always decisions that need to be made sot hat you get the most out of your social security retirement. But sometimes, hasty decisions can […]