To Claim or Not Claim!
Learn a different approach to making the Social Security claiming decision. You have a choice in how to claim social security. Learn more!
Financial And Investment Planning in 2021

The year 2020 was a whirlwind, and I’m not sure we should expect much different in 2021. If last year taught us anything, we need to make sure we are financially prepared for economic turbulence.
Breaking Down the Truth | The Financial Guys Podcast

Notice something missing for our Youtube channel? The podcast episode “Breaking Down the Truth” that went live on Wednesday, July 29th is now unavailable.
How Does Coronavrius Affect My Medicare?

We don’t often see a global pandemic of this scale. But once in a while, it does happen, and it throws everything into chaos. The Coronavirus is no different. Your health is priority #1 when dealing with a global pandemic, especially if you are elderly. A question that is often asked is, “Am I prepared […]